Dear Tamara: I regret recommending friend for job! A good friend of mine had been out of work for over six months. When a position came open in my company I recommended her for the job. I have been with my company for seven years so my opinion and recommendation are respected. I work hard

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Dear Tamara: My husband and I have two different parenting styles and how we discipline. He is from a military family and grew up getting spankings, or as he often calls it “whoopins.” I did not grow up getting spanked and think it is unnecessary form of discipline to hit a child to get them

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Dear Tamara: My fiancé has asked me to move in with him. We have been together for three years and engaged for almost a year now. We have not yet set a wedding date because we each have another year of school left and we both want to wait until we graduate college before getting

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Dear Tamara: I let my cousin move in with me about six months ago. She was only supposed to stay with me for a couple of weeks until she got her apartment situation straight. She is driving me crazy! She doesn’t cook or clean up after herself. I go to school during the day and

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Dear Tamara: I have two children (ages 9 and 11) and they fuss and fight over everything. It is driving me crazy! I am tired of having to referee and tired of trying to get to the bottom of who’s right and who’s wrong. What can I do to stop my kids from fighting? Referee

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